July 2024

New Book Out Let's Have a Giveaway!

It's finally out!  I'm so excited and can't wait for all of you to see it.  It is available directly from this page,  Jude's Seasonal Herbal Remedies (llewellyn.com) as well as Amazon or anywhere books are sold.  And because of my excitement, I want one lucky person to receive a free autographed copy!  The contest will run from July 12th until Aug 19th 2024 at 7 pm EST.

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June 2024

It's All About the Bees!

The other day, I was looking out at the yard, full of blooming clover it was alive with the buzzing bees.  How I love bees.  Back in the day, I even tried my hand at have a hive or two of my own. I had a Queen loss one time, and a swarm went to the apple tree, and one time my husband peeked inside a hive and felt the fury of the stings!  It is super hard work!  You need to really study this art and I found I just didn't have the time to do it, or the energy.  I would've loved having my very own honey, but I've found that there are others down the road who DO have the time to devote to it, so I buy their honey.  We are both happy.

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May 2024

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