Dealing with Stress and Grief

Published on 1 August 2024 at 12:37

Dealing with Stress and Grief

I have to be honest. I've been rocked to my core. I recently lost my husband...the love of my life for the past 41 years.  And I've been overwhelmed with depression and grief. We all go through losses in life.  Grief is natural when we lose someone or something we love. Other events in life can be a great loss too, like the ending of a relationship, divorce, loss of job, failing at something, getting sick or disabled or any loss of safety or security.

Sometimes it can seem an insurmountable hurdle.  But knowing that others have overcome such hurdles helps a bit.  The pain lessens, we learn to live on and we keep the good memories tucked close. But if the feelings are too overwhelming or lingers, we might need some help.

If at any time you are traveling a dark road of emotion and it doesn't seem like you can find your way out, don't hesitate to reach out to someone...a close friend, a therapist or counselor. We all need to lean on someone when we are wounded. And the very best thing to do besides that is to do a little self-care or pampering. Herbs can come to the rescue in this case.


Essential oils and Aromatherapy have proven to be an effective way to improve mental health.  There are many essential oils that have effectively in dealing with grief, sadness or loss. Here I share twelve of the best essential oils to soothe and lift your spirits.

Chamomlie---A gentle scent that helps one relax. It calms nerves.

Cinnamon---Helps encourage deep breathing. Soothes feelings of emotional stress. It helps balance mental health.

Frankincense---A calming and good scent for grief. Encourages deep breathing.

Jasmine---It is good for improving mood and reduces food cravings if stress has you running to comfort food.

Lemon---Lemon is great for bringing clarity and dispelling depression.

Lavender---Calms and soothes anxiety, promotes relaxation and is good for improving sleep quality.

Peppermint---Useful for stress and anxiety and helps you think straight so you can get your mind on the right track.

Rosemary---Very helpful with emotional stress and also helpful for encouraging deep breathing.

Rose---A comforting scent that helps one deal specifically with grief. It comforts and calms the heart.

Sandlewood---Profound calming of mind and body.  Good for tension, anxiety and mental stress.

Sweet orange---The bright Citrus scent lifts your mood, helps with depression and reduces stress. It is like a shot of sunshine.

Valerian---A sedative, great for times of deep stress. It can help you sleep.

Use 10-15 drops of one scent or a blend of your choice in a diffuser.  You can also make yourself a rub that will help your skin absorb the essential oil while giving you a dose of the scent. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil of choice or a blend in 1/4 cup carrier oil. You can choose almond, jojoba or olive oil to be your carrier. Just make sure to use an oil that is nourishing to your skin. For on the go ease of treatment any time you feel the need, fill a roller bottle with your blend.

Therapeutically, there is nothing better than a good soak in the bath once or twice a week. You can experiment and blend several oils together or use a single scent. Just make sure you only use 10 to 15 drops total to the bathwater. You can also throw in several handfuls of Epson salts to draw out any toxins. Play soft music, light some candles and soak for at least 20 minutes. When done wrap yourself in a comfy robe and slippers. Before bed, add a few drops of lavender or rose to a cotton ball and slip it under the pillowcase. It will help send you off to a deep and relaxing sleep.

As you travel your season of grief don't forget to take care of yourself. Go easy on you, and give yourself time and space to think and be. After all, this is a hard road to travel.. we need all the help and comfort we can get.


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Cathy Sams
7 months ago

These emotions I feel too. I am a widow too, it's been sometime since my husband passed but I still feel the grief and depression. I need a nice bath with some of these tinctures include. That sounds great!

Rebecca Maggard
7 months ago

Great article! I knew some of the herbs that help with grief. Some surprised me.