Black Cumin: The Magical Egyptian Herb for Allergies, Ashma, and Immune Disorders
by Peter Schleicher , M.D., Mohamed Saleh, M.D.
Healing Arts Press, 2000
I had never heard of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa), until I read this book. Imagine the surprise that it is considered a healing powerhouse that from many ailments, presents itself as one cure. How could a simple herb do this? Simple. This plants' cold-pressed seed oil has an ability to balance the body's immune system that is quite rare. Many names have been given to this herb, grown for over three thousand years in the Middle East and specifically in Egypt (the plant grown in Egypt has proven to be the most healing). It has been called "blessed seed" and "love in a mist". It was often used as a spice and added to many dishes in times past. It has been used to treat digestive disorders, for colds, headaches, infections and many other ailments. It lowers blood sugar, helps aid weight loss, reduces inflammation and boosts skin health.
Today's myriad of diseases and problems are over-shadowed by the fact that our immune systems are in trouble. When our immune systems begin to be over-whelmed and weakened, disease suddenly gets a foothold in our bodies. As the author states, "In this book you will see how black cumin stabilizes and rebuilds your body's defense mechanism in a gentle, natural manner, without side effects of other methods of treatment."
I found it fascinating that the plant grows best therapeutically in Egypt. Why would this be so? It is thought that lots of sun, the soil conditions and the way the oil is processed is the key to it all. The actual healing ingredient in the seed is called Nigellone. A bronchodilator, it has been deemed helpful for lung disorders and is the ingredient that has best been outlined as helpful to the immune system. Section three of the book deals with a wide range of conditions that the seed oil is helpful to. Chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes and a special recipe for diabetes, gallbladder and many more diseases are highlighted. Interestingly, the last section contains some recipes in the kitchen where the seed can be used.
Peter Schleicher, M.D., the youngest member ever selected for the World Academy of Scientists, is a highly regarded immunologist in Germany. Mohamed Saleh, M.D., is one of the world's foremost authorities on black cumin. He resides in Egypt.
This is definitely a book to look into if you are interested in medicinal herbs. My focus has in the past been limited to herbs that grow locally to me. But recently I have found it very interesting to look into herbs that grow elsewhere in the world. This is one important herb that is worth exploring.
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